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谭瑞坤, 程照明
以8个种源的喜树Camptotheca acuminata种子为研究对象,通过测量统计种子长度、宽度、厚度、千粒重、发芽率等性状,以探讨不同种源喜树种子的形态及发芽率差异及地理变异规律。结果表明:喜树的种子长度、宽度、厚度、千粒重、发芽率在不同种源间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);发芽率的变化范围为23.6%~91.3%,浙江省温州市种源发芽率最高;广东省肇庆市端州区种源的变异系数最大,为16.28%;发芽率的变异系数最大,为 12.10%;种子厚度与纬度、年均温度、无霜期呈显著性相关(P<0.05);对种源性状进行聚类,可将8个种源划分为3个类群。喜树种子具有丰富的遗传多样性,不同种源选择潜力大,有利于良种选育。
关键词:   喜树种子;种子形态;发芽率;变异特征
Variation of Seed Morphology and Germination Rate of Camptotheca acuminata from Different Provenances
Tan Ruikun, ChengZhaoming
Forestry Research Institute of Zhaoqing
By measuring the length, width, thickness, thousand grain weight, germination rate and other characteristics of Camptotheca acuminata seeds from 8 provenances, the differences of morphology, germination rate and geographical variation of C. acuminata seeds from different provenances were studied. The results showed that there were significant differences in seed length, width, thickness, thousand grain weight and germination rate among different seeds from 8 provenances (P<0.05); the variation range of germination rate was 23.6%~91.3% and the germination rate of seeds from Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province is the highest. The coef?cient variation of seeds from Duanzhou district, Zhaoqing city, Guangdong province is 16.28%. The coef?cient of variation of the germination rate is the largest which is 12.10%. The seed thickness was signi?cantly correlated with latitude, annual average temperature and frost free period (P<0.05); and 8 provenances could be divided into 3 groups by clustering. The differences in seed morphology and germination rate of different species re?ect the rich 投注app diversity of Camptotheca acuminata , which is an advantage to good seed selection and breeding.
Key words:   Camptotheca acuminata seeds; seed morphology; germination rate; variation characteristics