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田 雪, 周文君, 郑卫国, 高育慧, 曹华英
为探索碳化时间对生物炭氮磷吸附解吸的影响,以园林废弃树枝和树叶为原料,在碳化时间 为 2、3、4、5 h 下制备的生物炭为吸附剂对不同浓度梯度的氮磷溶液进行吸附试验,结果表明:(1) 随着 碳化时间的延长树枝生物炭对磷的吸附量基本保持在 0.4 mg · g-1 左右,但随着磷浓度的升高,各生物炭 对磷的吸附能力均有所增强,其中碳化时间为 3 h 和 4 h 的树枝生物炭对磷的吸附能力增长更为明显;树 叶生物炭对磷的吸附能力随碳化时间的延长而增大,且随着磷浓度的升高;而增强当碳化时间为 5 h 时, 树枝生物炭和树叶生物炭对铵态氮的吸附效果最佳;树叶生物炭对氮磷的吸附能力高于树枝生物炭。(2) 随着碳化时间的延长,树枝生物炭对磷的解吸率基本保持在 46%~66% 之间;树叶生物炭则随着碳化时间 的延长对磷的解吸能力而降低,而碳化时间则对生物炭的铵态氮解吸效果无显著影响;树枝生物炭和树 叶生物炭对铵态氮的解吸率分别在 31.58%~56.68% 和 12.77%~28.29% 之间。
关键词:   园林废弃枝叶;碳化时间;生物炭;氮磷吸附;氮磷解吸
Study on the Adsorption and Desorption of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Biochar Prepared from Garden Waste Branches and Leaves in Different Carbonization Time
TIAN Xue, ZHOU Wenjun, ZHENG Weiguo, GAO Yuhui, CAO Huaying
Shenzhen Wenke Landscape Co. Ltd.
In order to explored the effection of carbonization time for biochars, we usd garden waste branches and leaves as raw materials, and the biochars which prepared at 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, and 5 h as the adsorbent to adsorbed and desorbed NH4+ and PO4 3- in waste water at different concentration. The result indicated that the adsorption capacity of branch biochar for PO4 3- was about 0.4 mg · g-1. However,the adsorption efficiency of efficiency of branch biochar for PO4 3- increased with the rising of the initial concentration.And the adsorption capacity of branch biochar with carbonization time of 3 h and 4 h for PO4 3- increased significantly. Besides,the adsorption efficiency of leaf biochar for PO4 3- increased with the rising of carbonization time, and it aslo increased with the initial concentration.All of the biochars which carbonization time was 5 h had the strongest adsorption efficiency of NH4+ .Furthermore,the adsorption efficiency of leaf biochar for PO4 3- and NH4 + was higher than that of the branch biochar.With the extension of carbonization time ,the desorption rate of PO4 3- was between 46%~66%.The desorption efficiency of leaf biochar for PO4 3- decreased with the rising of carbonization time.It was no significant effect on the desorption capacity of biochar for NH4+ with the rising of carbonization time. And the desorption rate of PO4 3- for branch and leaf biochars were between 31.58%~56.68% and12.77%~28.29% respectively.
Key words:   garden waste branches and leaves; carbonization time; biochar ;nitrogen and phosphorus adsorption; nitrogen and phosphorus desorption;