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邓乐平1, 黄婷1, 王哲2, 吴惠姗2, 李晓华1, 廖仿炎2, 李义良2, 郭文冰2, 赵奋成2
台山湿地松(Pinus elliottii)改良种子园营建于1988—1997 年,为评价该种子园无性系的遗传品质,项目组在种子园内采集无性系的自由授粉种子并营建子代测定林。文章根据1 块营建在台山市红岭种子园的湿地松子代测定林4、13、18 a 的生长性状数据,分析了改良种子园的现实增益,评价建园无性系的选择效果,选择新一轮的育种亲本,结果如下:3 个年份数据分析结果均显示,在生长量方面,改良种子园子代显著甚至极显著大于湿地松一代种子园子代,18 a 生时,树高、胸径、单株材积的平均现实增益分别为3.09%、4.70%、15.08%;根据单株材积育种值选择出优良亲本无性系6 个,其育种值介于0.050 5~0.186 1 m3,其中有5 个亲本无性系的遗传品质已得到多次验证,可以作为新一轮的育种亲本甚至是核心育种亲本;新选优树15 株,其单株材积育种值介于0.114 9~0.276 9 m3,可充实到新一轮的育种群体中。
关键词:   湿地松;改良种子园;现实增益;育种值;二代优树选择
Genetic Analysis of Clones and A New Round Breeding Parents Selection in the Improved Slash Pine Seed Orchard
Deng Leping1, Huang Ting1, Wang Zhe2, Wu Huishan2, Li Xiaohua1, Liao Fangyan2, Li Yiliang2, Guo Wenbing2, Zhao Fencheng2
1.Hongling Seed Orchard;2.Guangdong Provincial Key laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/ Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The improved slash pine (Pinus elliottii) seed orchard in Taishan was built in 1988-1997. In order to evaluate the 投注app quality of clones in the seed orchard, the project team collected open pollinated seeds and established progeny test forests. This research was based on the data of the growth traits of 4, 13 and 18 a which collected from one of the progeny test forests located in Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard. The actual gain of the improved seed orchard was analyzed, and the selection effect of the clones for establishing the seed orchard wasevaluated. All analyses were used for a new round breeding parent selection. The results were as follows: the data analysis results of the three different years all showed that in terms of growth traits, progeny of the improved seed orchard was significantly or even significantly greater than that of the first-generation seed orchard. At the age of 18, the average actual gains in tree height, breast diameter, and single tree volume were 3.09%, 4.70%, and 15.08% espectively. According to the breeding value of single tree volume, 6 excellent parent clones wereselected, which breeding value was between 0.050 5-0.186 1 m3. Among them, 5 parent clones which are good 投注app quality have been verified several times. These clones can be used as a new round of breeding parents or even core breeding parents. Fifteen newly selected excellent trees, which breeding value of single plant volume was between 0.114 9-0.276 9 m3, can be enriched into a new round of breeding population.
Key words:   Pinus elliottii; the improved seed orchard; actual gain; breeding value; the second-generation seed orchard
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